Sensitive topics throughout this site.

If you are at immediate risk of self harm, please take a deeeeep breath, know you are not alone, and call or text for help.
Suicide crisis line: text HOME to 741-741 or call 988
Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is imperative to functioning relationships, whether family, friends, professionally, or otherwise. More info coming soon, but for now:
> I Statement Communication
> Love Languages
> How to Talk about Hard-Hitting or Awkward Topics.
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I Statement Communication
"I Statement" communication is a simple way to clearly express how you feel. Follow the phrase: I feel _______ when _________, so ________ . There is NO ROOM for argument in stating how you feel; only you get to decide that. If someone repeatedly violates boundaries that have clearly communicated, it might be *life saving* or *life changing* to evaluate for other red flags of abuse.
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Love Languages
Understanding that we all receive "love" (and adoration, praise, appreciation) differently is helpful. This concept is explored more at www.5lovelanguages.com , where there is a simple quick test to take to help give insight to your personality. Having this information about yourself, your partner, your kids, etc can strengthen bonds.
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How to Talk About "Hard-Hitting" or Awkward Topics
“In life, you can choose to leave things just like they are or you can choose to leave your mark.” - Bad Bunny, Cheetos commercial
Step One
Do not think of the topic/conversation as hard or awkward; It does not need to be difficult or awkward to talk about mental health, grief, suicide, abuse, trauma, racial injustice, bullying, values, social inequalities, environmental impacts, volunteer opportunities, etc...
Step Two
Tap into your empathy and keep an open mind. Remember that no one knows everything - and some of what we know is wrong. Also remember that every person is different - with different experiences, beliefs, ideals, etc. And everyone deserves compassion, no matter what.
Step Three
In order to talk about these topics, you must have some understanding about them. The more knowledgeable you become, the easier it will be to talk about what is necessary.
Step Four
Open the conversation!* The more people who talk about these topics, the more comfortable society will become talking about them (and ultimately, facing and tackling them).
* Conversation Starters
"I read this article about..."
"I participated in this webinar on..."
"Something I recently found out is..."
"There's a list of free mental health suggestions and ways to help yourself out of dark times at Charm City Curiosities"
"Picking up litter was a really good way to get out of the house and I felt accomplished seeing how much of a difference I made. Would you like to come with me some time?"
Step Five
Know that each of these conversations helps change and shape the world. Making others feel seen, understood, or acknowledged can be a life raft for someone in need.
Step Six
Bring the conversation public. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. Write to your congressional representative. If you participate in social media, perpetuate these conversations there. When someone asks you how your day is going, BE HONEST. Do not tell them it is going okay when it is not. It's okay to reply that you are struggling.